我院助理教授周静发表论文《Autoregressive Model With Spatial Dependence and Missing Data》





  研究方向为社交网络、空间计量、模型压缩等,在Journal of Business & Economic Statistics,Statistic Sinica,Science China Mathematics,Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,管理科学,营销科学学报等国内外核心期刊发表论文十余篇,主持国自科、北社科等多项省部级以上课题。担任人民邮电出版社数据科学与统计·商业分析系列教材编委会委员。


   Autoregressive Model With Spatial Dependence and Missing Data


   We study herein an autoregressive model with spatially correlated error terms and missing data. A logistic regression model with completely observed covariates is used to model the missingness mechanism. An autoregressive model is used to accommodate time series dependence, and a spatial error model is used to capture spatial dependence. To estimate the model, a weighted least squares estimator is developed for the temporal component, and a weighted maximum likelihood estimator is developed for the spatial component. The asymptotic properties for both estimators are investigated. The finite sample performance is assessed through extensive simulation studies. A real data example about Beijing’s PM2.5 level data is illustrated.



  生活中我们会遇到很多既有时间相关性又有空间相关性的数据,例如,从2013年起,北京开始对35个PM2.5监测站点发布实时的空气污染监测数据,从而实现对空气质量的评估。这里,不同站点之间的PM2.5数据具有空间的相关性,而每小时更新的数据又具有时间上的相关性。所有站点的PM2.5数据每小时进行更新,但遗憾的是,监测数据总会存在一定的缺失情况,因此如何在缺失数据的情形下对时间相关性和空间相关性进行无偏估计就成为一个重要的问题。本文创新性的提出了加权极大似然估计(Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimator)的方法解决该问题,并给出了该估计量的大样本理论性质,随机模型和实际数据都验证了该方法的有效性。

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